Emma sitting outside in a park

Emma Love Arbogast @art.of.self.liberation

Joy Is My Path (blog) This is where I’m posting most regularly right now.

AstroLiberation If you’re into astrology + personal growth.

Sparkly Dark (newsletter) Substack, where I write about my ongoing process.

Joy Ninja (blog) Lots of articles about personal growth, healing CPTSD & attachment, self-love, and self-empowerment.

State Shifting Learn how to shift into being happy for no reason.

List of Needs (mobile-friendly) For learning to identify and communicate your needs.

About me Who I am and where I’m coming from.

Instagram: @art.of.self.liberation Where I make growth and healing memes.

Buy Me a Coffee (Tip) I also have set up a Ko-fi page.

Self-Liberation Society In development. An online community for personal growth enthusiasts.

Subscribe to Blog Get an email if I write a new post on my blog. (infrequent, I write more on my newsletter above)

Attachment Styles Read if you have a history of painful or unstable relationships.

My FA Attachment Story The Hell that is Fearful-Avoidant Attachment (and How to Heal It)

How to Heal Trauma My guide & resource list on how to heal from CPTSD.

Autistic Resources If you wonder about yourself, want to support others, or just want more community. (Esp. from the perspective of late-realized AFAB.)