
The Hell that is Fearful-Avoidant Attachment (and How to Heal It)
Desperate to be loved, terrified to be seen.

Living on a Prayer
Surrender means accepting any outcome. With gratitude. I know this. I’m just not quite there yet…My resistance always coalesces into the same question: “Why does life have to be so painful?”.

Losing My Faith
When you have an experience in life that strips away everything you thought you knew, and everything you thought was real, that is when you find what is actually real and cannot be taken from you.

Let’s talk about privilege
I haven’t written in a few months because all of these ideas were sifting through my brain and reconfiguring it. I’ve been thinking

Honoring and Enjoying Our Differences vs “Resolving” Them
Can we really “resolve” our differences? And do we want to? One thing I learned in Matrix is to see differences as

Opening Your Heart in an Overwhelming World
Over the last year, I’ve experienced an overall opening and freeing of my heart. This has changed the quality of my life

Let’s be awkward together
One of my biggest struggles over my whole life has been around belonging, and worrying that I will be rejected for one

Let’s Talk About Sex (and Kink)
Touch. Sex. Ecstasy. Kink. Bondage. Sado-masochism. These are things we don’t talk about at workshops. Well, unless they are sex workshops. Why?

The Incomplete Apology
In NVC we talk about “Giraffe Apologies” – using NVC to express regret, name the needs not met, and re-connect. This post is the

Apology / Not Apology
In NVC we talk about “Giraffe Apologies” – using NVC to express regret, name the needs not met, and re-connect. This post is the

Money, Gifts, and Creating an Economy of Love
I’ve done the work of learning how to charge what you’re worth. I’ve studied pricing strategy. I’ve run a successful business that

Meditation: Embodying a Time You Felt Connected
I used this mindfulness induction in my NVC class this week. It goes with the lesson/exercise on Resourcing/Shifting States. Go ahead and

Exercise: Reconnecting After Disconnection in Relationships
NVC is wonderful, but often people are too triggered or upset to use it. And there’s a reason for that: our brain.
Sensing the Energy of Interconnection
This post is a pointer to a lot of question marks. I experience the ability to sense the larger patterns in reality,
Distributing Shock
Shock is defined as experiencing something that overwhelms your ability to cope (from We Are All in Shock). It is more global
Breaking the Spell
“As all the tales teach us, It’s only once a spell has been broken that its influence is truly visible” – Jessica
Culture as an Anchor During Change
One of my teachers, Donna Roy, recently returned from South Korea and shared in the META newsletter about her experience returning after

Being a Spiritual Conduit
When you unconsciously channel spiritual energy.
When Culture Works
My experience in Matrix is that profound experiences can be named and recognized easily, as they happen. There is an attention and